

San Diego Blood Bank collaborates with San Diego and Southern California hospitals to collect umbilical cord blood after the birth of a healthy full-term baby.

Philanthropy fuels new life, new hope!


Cord Blood Banking

Umbilical cord stem cells provide hope for a cure and new life for patients in need of a transplant or life-threatening medical conditions such as leukemia, lymphoma, immune diseases, metabolic disorders, autism, stroke, and cerebral palsy.

The cord blood is processed and stored at San Diego Blood Bank and is donated anonymously for the use of any patient in need of a lifesaving bone marrow transplant. Each certified cord blood unit is listed on the Be The Match Registry®, operated by the National Marrow Donor Program® (NMDP) which makes stem cells available to patients around the world for a match.



Philanthropy will help pioneer the next era of precision health.